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At Lilith On Top Astrology, we offer a range of personalized astrology services to help guide you on your life journey. Packages are available. All readings are live & done virtually.

The Starship: A General Reading

A personalized overview of all the major planets, aspects to them, the houses they are placed in, and their meaning as it relates to YOU.  (1 hour)


Put a (Saturn) Ring On It: Synastry Love Chart

Analysis of compatibility and relationship based on your personal and significant other's birth charts. We can assess indications of karmic, soulmate or twin flame connection.

The Martian: An Express, Focused Reading

A brief reading of a topic of your choice from your birth chart (e.g., love, career, past life, life path, etc.) (30 minutes)


Deep Space Traveler: Asteroids & more!

An in-depth study of your birth chart that details all of the main and minor asteroids and how they further fine tune your personality.  (45 minutes)


Better Safe than Starry: Monthly/Yearly Forecast

A predictive interpretation of your personal planetary transits that may affect mood and govern actions during a particular time span. This helps with inner growth planning and safeguarding inner/outer events.

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